I’ve been back at Anna Leigh Vocal Studios for almost a year now and you know what? It feels as though I have never left! Getting to know every single one of my students and seeing them progress each time I see them gives me such joy. The studio (and the Linskill building itself) has changed a lot in my absence and it’s great to see all those changes and improvements.
Since my return I have had the pleasure of meeting so many wonderful people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds and lots of you have gone to perform for the very first time in our concerts and done the recording studio experience. I’m so proud! I love hearing about you setting and achieving your singing goals and the fact that I’m alongside you on the journey is a privilege.
I remember being a student myself at this very studio. I remember standing on the other side of the piano and feeling all the things you all felt in your first lesson. Then, never did I imagine I would one day become a singing teacher! What’s even more surprising is how much joy I get from my from my job. I never thought it was a ‘real thing’ - to love your job.
So, thank you to my students who make each working day a one to look forward to.
Emma x